Six signs of a toxic friendship
Some people say that our happiness is measured by the quality of our relationships with other people and friendships are certainly one of the most significant factors when it comes to a fulfilling life. All of us wish for supportive and loyal friends to share our life with and to build a long lasting connection definitely takes time and effort. Unfortunately, friendships, just like a romantic relationships can be also toxic, which can bring a lot of exhaustion and frustration into your life. In this article, we will talk about 6 signs you can look out for, to help you distinguish whether or not you’re trapped in a toxic friendship.
1.Everything is about them
Just like any relationship, a friendship is a two-way partnership. One of the signs of a toxic friend is that they don’t seem to really pay much attention to you or what you want to say, for example during the conversation, they will always focus everything on themselves and their experience, instead of allowing you to also share as well.
2. You avoid sharing good news
Good friends are there to celebrate your achievements, success and all the happy moments in life. If you find yourself being uncomfortable sharing the good news with your friends, it’s very likely that you’re worried it may upset them in some way. Have you ever thought what could be the reason for that? Surrounding yourself with friends who are jealous, competitive or simply don’t wish you well, sooner or later will only make you suffer and in this situation is better to remove yourself from this kind of friendship asap.
3. You don’t feel comfortable around them
Sometimes you may not consciously be aware of certain toxic behaviours, but your intuition will likely be sending you the subtle signs. Just think about how you feel emotionally and physically when you’re spending time with them. Are you cheerful and relaxed or a bit nervous and anxious? Are you looking forward to see them again, or feel some sort of obligation to do so?
4. You can’t be yourself
If you are feeling constantly judged for your behaviour and decisions or you have a feeling that your friend almost doesn’t really accept you for who you are – this is a strong sign that this is a toxic relationship. You don’t have to look certain way or try to change your personality to be ‘liked’ by your friends, as real friends would never try to change you.
5. There is no trust
Trust is really important when it comes to any kind of relationship. The rule is quite simple: if there is no trust, there is no foundation for that friendship. And without foundation, how can the friendship even exist? If you find yourself worrying about introducing this person to your family or other friends, as you feel they may embarrass you or not treat your close ones with respect, or simply you don’t feel comfortable telling them your secrets, as you feel they may share it with other people, it’s very likely you’re in a toxic friendship.
6. They make you feel guilty for spending time with other people
A toxic friend, more than likely, will get jealous and possessive if you’re hanging out with other friends. They might tell you that they don’t feel like you’re ever there for them if you hang out with other friends, even though you know that you’ve shown up for that person, and they will probably say that the other friend is bad influence on you. Bottom line they will try to put you or your friend down, in a way to stop your other friendship.
76. You’re feeling drained emotionally
If this friendship feels like constantly walking on eggshells and you’ve developed a habit of being very careful with every word you say and you’ve stopped communicating openly, as you feel that everything can hurt the other person – this is not what a true friendship should look like. Every time you find yourself being emotionally drained after any interaction, whether it’s a lunch together or a phone call, you should treat it as a red flag. We are not saying that you need to be always happy, but when you feel your energy is depleted, it’s a sign your boundaries have been crossed.
If you feel like you’re in a toxic friendship, check our article on how to deal with toxic friends.
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