How to stop worrying and start living
If you are looking for a book which will help you lift up your spirits and discover some of the best techniques on how to stop worrying – this book is for you! “How to stop worrying and start living” written by Dale Carnegie, who loved teaching others to climb the pillars of success. His valuable and tested advice was used in many domains and has been the inspiration of many famous peoples success.
The author once asked about his motives to write a book replied saying: “I was one of the unhappiest lads in New York”. He also explained that he used to worry so much about everything in life that he made himself sick and he really wanted to figure out how to stop. Who can relate to this overwhelming feeling?
The book starts with a moving introduction explaining the author’s circumstances that encouraged him to get out of depression by helping others. The book consists of nine parts, each of them including three to six sections.
Some of the chapters involve: Fundamental facts you should know about worry; How to break the worry habit before it breaks you; Seven ways to cultivate a mental attitude that will bring you peace and happiness; Six ways to prevent fatigue and worry and keep your energy and spirits high.
The purpose of the book is to show the reader the way to more fulfilling and enjoyable life. The author is trying to address the everyday struggles to help the reader focus on other, more important aspects of life. It’s definitely a book worth reading specially if you want to find a way to solve some worry-related problems.