“My Unorthodox Life” is a Netflix’s reality show that tells the story of Julia Heart, who is a Co-owner and former CEO of Elite World Group. Before becoming a fashion mogul, Julia was raised...
Categories Films
Nine Perfect Strangers review
‘Nine Perfect Strangers’ is a mini series from Amazon Prime, based on the 2018 book by Liane Moriarty and created by David E Kelly, who’s also the author of HBO’s series ‘The Undoing’ and... -
And just like that iconic character Carrie Bradshaw is back to the screens. Sex and the City sequel series had its premiere on HBO, and has delivered several standout fashion moments that reference beloved pieces from the...
“Spencer” is the new movie about Princess Diana. The film was directed by Pablo Larrain and written by Steven Knight. The film’s focus is on Lady Diana’s (Kristen Stewart) decision to end her marriage with Prince...
The long-awaited biographical crime drama “House of Gucci” is here! Based on the 2001 book “The House of Gucci: A Sensational Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour, and Greed” by Sara Gay Forden and directed by...
“Self Made: Inspired by the Life of Madam C.J. Walker” is a Netflix mini-series that presents an inspiring story of Sarah Walker (played by Octavia Spencer) who became the richest self-made African-American businesswoman of...
The new Netflix series “Maid” had its premiere on the 1st of October 2021 and is on track to beat “The Queen’s Gambit” as Netflix’s most watched miniseries. “Maid” was adapted from Stephanie Land’s...
After a very successful first season of “The Morning Show” with Jennifer Anniston and Reese Witherspoon, the 10-episode second season of the series had its global premiere on the 17 September on Apple TV+....
Categories Films
Oprah Winfrey and Prince Harry join forces to talk about mental health on Apple TV+
“The me you don’t see” launched by Oprah Winfrey and Prince Harry, is the series about mental health and had its premiere on Apple TV+. The 6 episode series is an honest discussion between Oprah... -
Categories Films
The Loudest Voice a series about the creation of Fox News and the dishonesty, greed and hostility behind it
“The Loudest Voice” is a HBO drama series that tells the story of Roger Ailes (Rusell Crowe) who built an empire in the media industry in the US, known as Fox News, based on dishonesty,...